Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A quick note today.  We had amazing thunderstorms last night and now again this afternoon, though it’s now settled into a heavy, steady rain.

This morning we rushed out early to get to the lions at yesterday’s buffalo kill.  On the way, we found an old male leopard walking up the road and spent some time with him.  Then the beautiful male with the warthog kill was still there and we spent a little time with him but because he seemed to just be sleeping and because the light was poor, we moved on to the lions.  We found them at the kill though most of them stayed far back in the bush where they couldn’t really be seen.  A couple of lionesses did cross the road to a nearby pond and we did some shooting there.  But when they got up and returned to the rest of the pride we left and went back to the leopard in the tree, where we found him feeding on the warthog.  After maybe an hour, he dropped down to the ground where we were able to get a few images of him in the vibrant green grass.

Off to Satara Camp then for some business and brunch and then back here for a nap with thunderstorm soundtrack, a shower and now getting ready for the evening.  We’re working on a plan with the GoPro.  Something involving the Little Bastards….

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